Our meeting for this month will be in-person at Juliet Italian Kitchen (address: 1500 Barton Springs, Austin, TX 78704 – parking lot in back).
Please reserve your spot by RSVPing to PAPNA (link below or on website www.papnaustin.org in the Events section).
If there are any food allergies or dietary restrictions please notify Interim President, Donna Rolin, know (her email: drolin@mac.com).
6:30-7:00pm Networking and Socializing
7:00-7:30pm Speaker Program
7:30-8:30pm Membership Meeting
Sponsored Speaker Meeting Details
Title: TAAR-1 Agonists - Potential new TAARget for Treatment of Schizophrenia
Speakers: Stuart Red, PhD & Bill Clark, PharmD
We hope that you can join us!