Our meeting for this month will be in-person at Ruth Chris Steak House
107 W 6th St, Austin, TX 78701
Please reserve your spot by RSVPing to PAPNA (link below or on website
www.papnaustin.org in the Events section).
Due to space limitations, we must cap the attendance to no more than 30 people
If there are any food allergies or dietary restrictions please notify President Donna Rolin (her email: drolin@mac.com).
If you need a ride, please notify President Donna Rolin (her email: drolin@mac.com) or Vice President Emma Perry (her email: emmac13@gmail.com)
6:30-7:00pm Networking and Socializing
7:00-7:30pm Speaker Program
7:30-8:30pm Membership Meeting
Sponsored Speaker Meeting Details:
Title: Boehringer Ingelheim
New Mechanism of Action for Schizophrenia Disease State and Associated Cognitive Impairment
We hope that you can join us!
PAPNA Executive Committee