Our meeting for this month will be in-person at
Olive and June
3411 Glenview Avenue
Austin, Texas, 78703
Please reserve your spot by RSVPing to PAPNA
(link above or on website www.papnaustin.org in the Events section).
If there are any food allergies or dietary restrictions please notify President Emma Perry (her email: emmac13@gmail.com)
If you need a ride, please notify
President Emma Perry (her email: emmac13@gmail.com)
6:00-6:30 pm Networking and Socializing
6:30-7:00 pm Speaker Program
7:00-7:30 pm Membership Meeting
Sponsored Speaker Meeting Details:
Malcolm Duncan NP
Screening and Assessment of Tardive Dyskinesia Movements and their Impact
Maintaining a Standard of Care Across a Range of Practice Settings
We hope that you can join us!
PAPNA Executive Committee
**presentations by dinner sponsors do not reflect the views or recommendations of the organization**